Hello Python!

Introduction to Python

Hugo Bowne-Anderson

Data Scientist at DataCamp

How you will learn

DataCamp Interface

Introduction to Python



  • General purpose: build anything

  • Open source! Free!

  • Python packages, also for data science

    • Many applications and fields
Introduction to Python

IPython Shell

Execute Python commands


Introduction to Python

IPython Shell

Execute Python commands


Introduction to Python

IPython Shell


Calculations in DataCamp's IPython shell

Introduction to Python

Python Script

  • Text files - .py

  • List of Python commands

  • Similar to typing in IPython Shell

Python script in DataCamp

Introduction to Python

Python Script

GIF: typing 4 + 5 in the script and hitting submit answer. No output is shown.

Introduction to Python

Python Script


  • Use print() to generate output from script
Introduction to Python

DataCamp Interface

Screenshot of DataCamp interface

Introduction to Python

Let's practice!

Introduction to Python

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