Evaluating campaigns with pie & scatter charts
Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets
Luke Pajer
Digital Marketing Specialist
Campaigns data set
Campaigns data set
Goal completions
Measured interactions on websites
Examples of goal completions:
Submitting an online form
Purchasing a subscription
Campaign impression share
Pie chart
Transform a pie chart into a doughnut chart
Doughnut chart = pie chart, but with a hole in the middle
Determining relationship between goal completions and clicks
Scatter chart
Adding weight to a scatter chart
Bubble chart = scatter chart with weight applied to each measurement
Let's recap
Goal completions
Important user engagements that measure the effectiveness of a campaign
Pie/doughnut charts
Display relative makeup of a total
Scatter charts
Great for determining the relative relationship between two metrics
Bubble charts
Makes the chart more informative by adding another dimension (size)
Let's get to work!
Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets
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