Evaluating campaigns with pie & scatter charts

Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets

Luke Pajer

Digital Marketing Specialist

Campaigns data set

campaigns data set

Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets

Campaigns data set

  • Goal completions
    • Measured interactions on websites
    • Examples of goal completions:
      • Submitting an online form
      • Purchasing a subscription
Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets

Campaign impression share

  • Pie chart pie chart

pie instructions

Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets

Transform a pie chart into a doughnut chart

  • Doughnut chart = pie chart, but with a hole in the middle doughnut chart

doughnut instructions

Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets

Determining relationship between goal completions and clicks

  • Scatter chart scatter chart

scatter instructions

Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets

Adding weight to a scatter chart

  • Bubble chart = scatter chart with weight applied to each measurement bubble chart

bubble instructions

Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets

Let's recap

  • Goal completions
    • Important user engagements that measure the effectiveness of a campaign
  • Pie/doughnut charts
    • Display relative makeup of a total
  • Scatter charts
    • Great for determining the relative relationship between two metrics
  • Bubble charts
    • Makes the chart more informative by adding another dimension (size)
Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets

Let's get to work!

Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets

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