Case Study: Inventory Analysis in Power BI
Danny Cevallos
Statistician and Data Scientist
Prerequisite courses
- Introduction to Power BI
- Data Preparation in Power BI
- DAX Functions in Power BI
1) Verify the necessary data is present and clean
2) Explore the data
3) Analyze and visualize information
4) Create dashboards and report insights
Help a management team make the best decisions.
Optimizing the management of inventory
Some benefits of inventory analysis:
Some important calculations:
Revenue is the money generated from normal business operations, calculated as the sales price times the number of units sold
${Revenue = quantity\;of\;units\;sold\;\;x\;\;selling\;price}$
Cost of producing or acquiring products that a company sells, including:
- Raw materials
- Labor
- Factory overhead or costs related to production facilities
${E.g.\;Wooden\;chair\;COGS = wood + glue + wood\;finishers + labor}$
Profit a company makes after deducting the costs associated
with making and selling its products
Simplified formula
${Gross\;Profit = Revenue - COGS }$
Six tables with information on item description, initial stock, orders, dates, countries, and prices.
Case Study: Inventory Analysis in Power BI