Aggregate and Arithmetic operations

Introduction to Excel

Jess Ahmet

Content Developer, DataCamp

Order of operations: problem

Math Problem:

$\ 20 \times\ 2 - (1/2) \times\ 10 \times\ 2^2$

Order of Operations

  • Parenthesis

  • Exponents

  • Division/Multiplication (left-to-right)

  • Addition/Subtraction (left-to-right)

Introduction to Excel

Order of operations: solution

Math Problem:

$\ 20 \times\ 2 - (1/2) \times\ 10 \times\ 2^2$


  1. Parenthesis: $\ 20 \times\ 2 - \underline{0.5} \times\ 10 \times\ 2^2$

  2. Exponents: $\ 20 \times\ 2 - 0.5 \times\ 10 \times\ \underline{4}$

  3. Multiplication: $\underline{40} - \underline{20}$

  4. Subtraction: $\underline{20}$

Introduction to Excel

Order of operations in Excel

Order of operations: Parentheses, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition & Subtraction

Full Excel order of operations Excel order of operations list with examples

Introduction to Excel

Functions in Excel



Function library

Introduction to Excel

Overview of aggregate functions

Aggregate functions: Summarize a group of values into a single result

  • Commonly used aggregate functions include:
    • SUM
    • COUNT
    • MIN
    • MAX
Introduction to Excel

Aggregate functions

University of DataCamp

Sample student test score dataset

Introduction to Excel

Aggregate functions: Average

University of DataCamp  

Sample student test score dataset


Average: central or typical value in a set of numbers

  • Sum of all values divided by number of records
  • Formula:
    • AVERAGE(B2:B11)
    • AVERAGE(B:B)
    • AVERAGE(Students[Test Score])
  • Output: 74.2
Introduction to Excel

Aggregate functions: continued

Min: Minimum value in the column

  • MIN()

Max: Maximum value in the column

  • MAX()

Count: Number of records

  • COUNT()

Sum: Total of all values in a column

  • SUM()
Introduction to Excel

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Introduction to Excel

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